Antamedia Bandwidth Manager (ABM) is a software that serves to make arrangements and restrictions on access or bandwidth on the client computers. Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Software is perfect for bloggers who have a business internet cafe, and want to limit bandwidth on every computer in warnetnya. Curious? Jump in check aja sob,,,
Antamedia Bandwidth Manager is arguably as a substitute mikrotik tool in windows. It's not as sophisticated mikrotik, but it is not no one tried dong this tool Antamedia Bandwidth Manager? than lose it. Hheheh
From the main panel Can you choose one of the options:
- Connections: Displays computers and on their current status (screenshot below)
- Accounts: Configure and create the accounts. These are pairs of IP and MAC addresses specific That identifies computers in your network
- Statistics: Shows the log action for certain time period
- Setup: Used to configure the Administrator option Bandwidth manager
- Logoff: Logoff Bandwidth Manager
Compatible with:
W98, 200X, Windows Server, Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Inside the downloaded package, also has available a tutorial how to use them, so bloggers do not need to care anymore. Live download, install, and read his guide. Ok
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